Taking you behind and beyond the curtain
The IHUBApp for Digital Theatre Programs act like building blocks that allow you to build for your needs.
Digital Curtain Sync

As the curtain rises our digital curtain descends over your digital program to ensure that your audience provides the performance with their full attention.

Custom QR Codes
Easily create and download custom QR Codes to be used on welcome signage within your lobby, pre-show emails, and general promotional materials.

Email Lists
Build your subscription list easily. Emails are automatically collected as your audience subscribes, likes, comments, and engages with your digital program. Our automated newsletters then keep them returning for more!

An absolutely engaging performance.
Easily broadcast texts and
alerts to registered show attendees.
Automated Newsletters
Keep your patrons
returning by automatically
sharing theatre updates.
Track Results
View results, filter lists, track
user engagement, and see
all activity.
& Ads
Easily promote static and
animated ads throughout
your performance app.
Custom Channels
Provide exclusive access to
your more important
patrons to engage.
Custom Registration
Customize the sign-up
process for your theatre
and how users login.

Custom Access
Customize what information
you collect and what access
levels users receive.

Load up your content and
events in advance and
watch them populate and
expire automatically.
Instant Polls
& Surveys
Increase audience
participation with real-time
polls and surveys.

Audience Uploads
Have patrons upload and
share their photos for
future newsletters.

Interactive Map
Help your guests find their
way with our interactive
map functionality.

Message Center
Easily communicate with
your audience to answer

Volunteer Registration
Easily request and manage
theatre volunteers for
specific projects and tasks.

Digital Fundraising
Easily request single
donations or recurring
giving for your projects.

Ticket Sales & Integration
Sell tickets to events and/or
easily integrate your app
into any ticketing system.

Behavior-Based Targeting
Customize the fields on the
User's Profile that allows
you to understand their
motivations and interests.

Live Streaming
Live stream events directly through public, private, or membership channels.

Manage Notifications
Control and manage all notifications. Push, Desktop, SMS, and Email.